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Growth Mindset Plan

Running Track


At the starting line, we must determine your personal mindset among the areas in your life. To do this, we must study and get to know what the types of mindsets are. A fixed mindset is that a person is fixed on one thing and the outcome either makes them or breaks them (Dweck, 2016). With a growth mindset a person who takes their challenges and success to the next level thinking about what they could have done to grow and be better (Dweck, 2016).  You can have a mindset in many areas including relationships, your education, your health, your career, and in your personal life., but what mindset you choose could determine the ability that you bring out now and in the future (Dweck, 2014). Once you learn about the mindsets and determine what mindsets you have in the different areas in your life, you can work on growing your growth mindset. 


Now you must realize that you have a choice to continue with a fixed mindset in those area of life’s or choose to develop a growth mindset (Dweck, 2014). As you choose a growth mindset, you must choose one or two areas that we would like to transform, first.  You do not want to overwhelm yourselves at first so keeping it small to grow much larger in the end. For example, if choose your personal life, you could investigate your current living establishment.


As you walk through the one or two areas you must listen for the fixed mindset voice in those areas (Jeffery, n.d.).  These are the "I cannot do this", "this is too hard, and "I give up” (Jeffery, n.d.). When you hear them, we must remember that you have a choice, and you must respond with our growth mindset voice (Jeffery, n.d.). Some examples include "I can do this," "this is hard, but what can I do to accomplish this task," and "I'm going to keep moving forward, until I succeed even if it means there are challenges that may try to stop me (Jeffery, n.d).  For example, my fixed mindset says, " I will never own my own home," and I can respond with "I will own my own home let me keep moving forward in fixing my credit."


You have now made it to Checkpoint 3 where you must keep going and be persistent in using your growth mindset voice in the two areas that you have chosen (Jeffery, n.d). This will allow you to develop a habit and move forward in working on growing your growth mindset in other areas (Jeffery, n.d.).


At the end of Lap 1 and 2 you must remember that you have not won the growth mindset race just "yet” (Dweck, 2014). You must go back through checkpoints 1 through 3 and grow your growth mindset in other areas of your life. Taking one step at a time to growing your growth mindset and continuing to look at it as I am not there "yet", but I will be (Dweck, 2014).  You must remember that this is a process that may take days, weeks, months, or years, but as long as you remember the power of "yet " you can keep moving closer and closer to the finish line (Dweck, 2014). For example, I do not own my own home "yet", but I will someday.


While you are running your race that can take days, weeks, months, or years as an educator you can lead and encourage others to moving towards a growth mindset. Many factors need to be considered to make a successful impact on the mindset or yourself and others. One includes what you are praising yourself and your learners for (RSA, 2015). We want to stay clear from praising ourselves and our learners for the intelligence that we bring to the environment or setting that we and our learners are in (Dweck, Dec 2014). When we praise the intelligence of ourselves and learners, it can lead us down a rabbit hole that will lead us to a fixed mindset (RSA, 2015). As an educator, praising a learner for their intelligence around other learners can lead to that learner feeling like they are a king or queen, resulting in others losing their confidence in their intelligence. This could also lead to student dishonesty for future assignments by looking, listening, or speaking to the learners that they believe have the potential to have higher intelligence due to the praising that they did not receive.

We are told in professional development courses that we need to praise our learners, but if we do not praise intelligence what can we praise? As an educator or learner with a growth mindset, we are aware that our abilities and talents are not unalterable, but can be progressive through our effort, knowledge, and guidance by adults and peers (RSA, 2015). As educators we want to praise ourselves and our learners for the process of that lead us to where we are at (RSA, 2015). When we praise the process and strategies other learners will hear, and try to incorporate those strategies to grow in the topic they are growing in. This will lead to learners and us wanting to put in effort and time to learn these strategies and processes to enhance our personal learning in the area or areas the processes where praised in. In result, our learners and ourselves will have been growing our growth mindset by putting in the effort, time, and motivation to grow ourselves as individuals, instead of depending on others. We can all be resilient in growing ourselves and our mindsets, but even with a growth mindset we must continue to put in effort, motivation, and willing to learn from others (Dweck, Dec 2014).


Dweck, C. [Stanford Alumni]. (2014, Oct. 9). Developing a Growth Mindset with Carol Dweck [Video]. YouTube. 

Dweck, C. (2014, December 17). The power of believing that you can improve | Carol Dweck | TED. YouTube. Retrieved December 6, 2023, from


Dweck, C. S. (2016). Mindset: The new psychology of Success.Ballantine Books.

Jeffrey, S. (n.d.) How to establish a growth mindset.CEOsage.

RSA. (2015, December 15). RSA ANIMATE: How to help every child fulfil their potential [Video]. YouTube.

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