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Field Trip
Image by Brett Jordan
Before every project, assignment, or lesson you can use a strategy to assist you by   brainstorming and writing out your ideas in a cohesive document. Being able to use a graphic organizer to create and assemble your ideas in one place will make it easier to transfer into a full writing task. Having the opportunity to have a document that assisted me in answering questions that I would eventually use to complete the final action research plan. The research outline allows me to put all my ideas and thoughts of my overall project in one space.
Gamification is a new technique/strategy that some educators use to enhance learning and assist in making learning motivating and engaging. Within the literature review, readers can find data and research on how gamification has been used and studied by other researchers in the past. You will also find some research on the characteristics and reasoning behind written expression that individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder may find challenging when participating in writing tasks. The study of past research on these two topics will help and support my overall research question of “how does gamification impact writing skills among children with Autism Spectrum Disorder?”
Public Library
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Before starting the action stage of your action research, you must have all the planning and preparation done. Having one space where you can refer back to all the information you planned in the planning stage allows the process of your action research to run smoothly. Creating a plan will also provide an extra measure to ensure validity and reliability within your overall research.
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