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Aligning Outcomes, Assessments, & Activities

Influence On My Innovation Plan 

The course outcomes provide a set of goals and expectations that participant will gain throughout the eight-week course (Finks, 2013). Goals that lineup with the knowledge of the course objective all the way to how they can take a growth mindset to learn more (Finks, 2013).


The course outcomes in the three-column table align with my pilot project on developing writing skills within the special population using digital platforms. Throughout the course participants are developing collaboration skills to work with other educators on how they approach writing with students at different abilities. How do they differentiate in their classroom when it comes to critical literacy? This directly relates to the Fink (2013) taxonomy of significant learning in the areas of integration and human dimension. Participants are also required to take these differentiation techniques and use them and create a book on the digital platform, Book Creator. Within the taxonomy of significant learning, this relates to the area of application (Finks, 2013).


Using Finks (2013) the guide will allow me to be more successful in planning the innovation program that I plan to pilot in the district that I work in. 

Worksheet #1

Specific Context of the Teaching/Learning Situation

  • Class Size and Level:

    • In order of time and successful collaboration each course will have 30 participants.

    • The courses will be geared towards primary and secondary educators that teach students of all ages and abilities.

  • Class Meetings:

    • Classes will meet for 8 weeks for an hour one day a week.

    • This will be a flipped classroom online class, where participants will need to complete readings, videos, and other supplemental requirements before weekly meetings and be ready to discuss and collaborate during meetings.

  • Physical Elements and Technology:

    • We will ensure that all participants have access to necessary technology, Book Creator platform subscription for the duration of 8-week course and a semester after completion of course, and access to online class platform.

General Context of the Learning Situation

  • Learning Expectations:

    • Identify expectations set by the state, district, and school regarding the integration of critical literacy across multiple subject curriculums.

    • Identify expectations set by the state, district, and school regarding the integration of technology like Book Creator.

    • Consider state standards (Ex. TEKS for Texas) that need to be followed for teaching and learning.

  • Professional and Societal Expectations:

    • Consider and abide by the ethics of the teaching profession in schools, classrooms, and technology usage.

Nature of the Subject

  • Theoretical vs. Practical:

    • The critical literacy course is a combination of theoretical and practical application.

  • Convergent vs. Divergent:

    • Taking a subject that educators teach and create a book over critical literacy on that subject requires more of a divergent way of thinking.

    • Educators will take what they know and create a unique project using Book Creator to embrace and present their critical literacy in a book.

  • Changes and Controversies:

    • There are continues research, changes, and expansion on technology and learning in education, and we must continue to do our research and adapt and grow with the changes.

Characteristics of the Learners

  • Life Situations:

    • Consider socio-economic, cultural, personal, and professional backgrounds and experiences of the educators.

    • Adapt and change the way The courses are presented based on the different participants and their learning needs.

  • Prior Knowledge and Expectations:

    • Expand on participants prior knowledge on critical literacy and the use of digital learning in their classrooms.

    • Understand their expectations and goals for integrating Critical Literacy using technology into their teaching.

Characteristics of the Teacher

  • Beliefs and Values:

    • I believe that it is my job to educate students to be the best learners that they can be now and in their future.

    • To provide a positive and adaptable environment that is made for learning for all participants no matter what their weaknesses or strengths.

  • Level of Knowledge

    • I work in the special education field for two years after completing my bachelor's degree in education.

    • I have several years of experience of working with kids of all ages and abilities through camps, tutoring, and teaching.

  • Strengths in Teaching

    • I feel my biggest strength in teaching students with different abilities is the value and advocacy I have for the unique individuals. The importance of setting them up for success now and in their future. Being able to differentiate lessons and social skills in ways that they can be successful in the single or collaboration of giving tasks.

Worksheet #2

Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG): Learners will gain knowledge and integrate the Book Creator platform into all curriculum reshaping practices of critical literacy through differentiation of student needs in a 8-week course and additional support.

Foundational Knowledge:

  1. Key Information

    1. Understand the fundamental features and functionalities of the Book Creator platform within the first four sessions.

    2. Understand the accessibility resources through the Book Creator platform within the first 2 sessions.

  2. Key Ideas or Perspectives

    1. Recognize the impact that using and promoting critical literacy can do to help impact students within the first 3 sessions.

    2. Taking control of critical literacy in your classroom through the use of Book Creator.

    3. Allowing students to use the COVA approach to learning when reading and writing their own learning.

Application Goals:

  1. Thinking Skills

    1. Develop critical thinking to analyze how creating a unique book can impact students' critical literacy and learning by week three session.

    2. Foster creative thinking to design and create a book on the importance of critical literacy while learning the Book Creator platform in the 8-week sessions course.

  2. Skills Development

    1. Acquire practical skills in managing and implementing critical literacy and Book Creator effectively within the curriculum by the end of the fourth session.

    2. Develop project management skills for creating a book on a topic you teach in your classroom using critical literacy skills by the end of the 8-session course.

Integration Goals:

  1. Connections Among Ideas

    1. Reflect and Discuss tools and techniques other educators use to differentiate critical literacy in their classroom by the end of fourth session.

    2. Integrate critical literacy into other areas of their teaching by the end of the fifth session.

  2. Connections Beyond the Course

    1. Relate the idea of critical literacy across subjects by the end of the fourth session.

    2. Discuss nonfiction and fiction books that could be expanded into learning real-life applications by the seventh session.

  3. Connections to Personal and Social Life

    1. Discuss the culture of your students and classroom, and how critical literacy may need to be differentiated to meet the needs of all students by the end of the fourth session.

    2. Recognize how critical literacy can positively impact all students learning by the end of the eight sessions courses.

Human Dimensions Goals:

  1. Self-Awareness

    1. Participants are able to learn and extend on learning in any way they choose.

    2. They have control over their learning, and anything is possible.

  2. Understanding Others

    1. Allowing participants to look at peers' creations and give feedforward through a growth mindset to enhance and improve their projects.

    2. Being open and encouraging to peers that they are capable of anything and everything.

Caring Goals:

  1. Changes/Values

    1. Develop a genuine appreciation for the role of technology in education within the first four sessions.

    2. Research and develop a sense of impact on knowing and implementing the learning styles of all students in the classroom by the end of the eight-week course.

  2. Feelings, Interests, Values

    1. Foster a positive attitude towards integrating technology into the curriculum within the first four sessions.

    2. Create an urgency for integrating the use of adaptable technology in the critical literacy of all subjects and curriculum by the end of the eight-week course.

Learning-How-to-Learn Goals:

  1. Being an Effective Learner

    1. Learn effective strategies for managing and organizing digital learning materials on Book Creator after the second session.

    2. Develop skills for integrating differentiated critical literacy using book creator by the end of the eight-week course.

  2. Learning About the Subject

    1. Understand how to continuously update and adapt to the improving research on critical literacy based on student needs by the end of the fifth session.

    2. Explore additional resources and professional development opportunities related to critical literacy, Book Creator, and digital learning by the end of the eight- week course.

  3. Becoming Self-Directed Learners

    1. Develop an outline of a book you can create using critical literacy skills through Book Creator by the end of the fourth session.

    2. Create annotated bibliography on books, articles, and videos that you would like to read and watch for further learning by the end of the eight sessions.


Fink, L. D. (2013). Creating significant learning experiences: An integrated approach to designing college courses. Jossey-Bass.

Harapnuik, D. (2022, December 12). Applied Digital Learning.


Harapnuik, D. (2015, August 15). Connecting the dots vs. collecting the dots[Video file]. Retrieved from

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