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Dear Teachers and Administrators, 


There is a motivating and engaging way that can help assist students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in their writing success. Expression of ideas, emotions, and thoughts is a proven difficult skill for individuals with ASD throughout several decades to present time. The inconsistency of provided strategies, supports, and interventions to these individuals has provided educational gaps in succeeding in future successes they may have in not only writing, but other areas that writing is a requirement in. 

The Universal Design of Learners (UDL) approach has been supported by researchers as essential to addressing the variety of individual student needs and providing students a way of learning that they learn best in. With a UDL approach, teachers will be able to create a flexible framework that is capable of providing students with an environment that fits their needs as inclusive learners.

Guidelines for a Universal Design of Learners approach to Learning:

The benefits of UDL will be magical. Most importantly, students will become more engaged with choice and ownership over their learning and will be given the time and resources to show mastery of each topic and skill. Teachers can more accurately identify and support the learning needs of each learner with more opportunities for students to be able to acquire and practice skills in a way that fits their personal needs. 

I am very excited to implement and pilot a Universal Design of Learners (UDL) approach in my classroom. I will share the data and results of my piloted program with you all at the end of my implementation timeframe, and I hope to have the support and expertise of the administration, instructional coaches and fellow teachers to help implement and show the benefits to this type of learning approach. Not only will all students show growth through the UDL approach, but they will also develop self-confidence to take control of their learning using the unique skills and techniques to help them be successful in their academics and future success. 



Rebekah Ard

Studying in a library

With a new creation, it is always important to have back-up research. This will show your audience the benefits, validity, and reliability of past similar creations that you are trying to build on and expand. At the button above, you will find my on-going research on ePortfolios, their benefits, and how they can be accessible and beneficial for our students in the Special Education classroom.

What is a plan? How do you plan to implement your new program? Over what span of time will it take? These are questioning a viewer may ask about the creation I am presenting. At the button above, you will find my outline on how I plan to implement my creation in my district and community. This is an initial plan that may be revised as time passes and new research and feedback generates.

I am always eager to learn more about the creations that I come up with. At the button above you will find a list of readings that I would like to read to further my research on ePortfolio and resources that may allow more accessibility to technology for individuals with different abilities. 

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