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Professional Learning (PL) Plan:
Enhancing Critical Literacy Development with Book Creator

Writing on Beach

        Personal Learning (PL) is learning that can grow and embrace knowledge of the everchanging society and education system. The plan above outlines an inclusive PL initiative that goes from August 2024 to May 2025. The PL is designed to help educators use adapted technology to enhance critical literacy in their classroom environments among all students. Following Week 8 of the PL educators will receive additional support and collaboration among other educators and myself. 

        The inclusive and adaptable PL outline is setup to outline a tool that primary and secondary educators can use to think of their skills and knowledge of differentiation among students in their classroom. They can then use this knowledge to enhance their critical literacy skills ,and model it for the learners in their classroom setting.  

Content Integration

The focus of the PL is on integrating the Book Creator platform into the curriculum of all subjects as part of a critical literacy skill development in primary and secondary classrooms. 

Leadership Structures


  •       I will take lead in introducing Critical Literacy and the Book Creator       knowledge and features. 


  •     Will be responsible for knowing what objectives they will use for their Critical Literacy book in Book Creator

  •      Can collaborate with peers about their ideas on learning styles, differentiation, and critical literacy. 

5 Principles of
Professional Learning

Sustained Duration: 

  • The PL program extends from August 2024 to May 2025, allowing for ongoing learning and support.

Active Learning:

  • The initiative involves dance on activities, including lesson building, guided practice, and immediate implementation with support.


  • A collaboration approach is emphasized through participant collaboration, weekly news and tips, and collaboration with presenters through email, zoom,  and phone.

Assessment and Feedback:

  • Weekly self-assessments with the use of the Book Creator platform and monthly check-ins for informal assessments and feedback.

Alignment with School Goals:

  • The initiative aligns with school, district, and state language arts standards and curriculum for primary and secondary educators.

  • Most resources will be available within Book Creator
  • Supplemental Readings and Videos
  • Knowing what objectives they will use for their Final Project which will be related to school, district, and state standards. 


Fink, L. D. (2013). Creating significant learning experiences: An integrated approach to designing college courses. Jossey-Bass.

Goodwin, B. (2015). Research Says/Does Teacher Collaboration Promote Teacher Growth? Educational Leadership, 73(4), 82–83. Retrieved from

Gulamhussein, A. (2013). Teaching the Teachers Effective Professional Development in an Era of High Stakes Accountability. Center for Public Education. Retrieved from

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