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  • Writer's pictureRebekah Ard

Collaboration Among Peers on a Publication Rough Draft

The Process of Generating a Reflection Rubric

The rough draft assignment was more difficult to get together with my collaboration group than prior assignments before. With a variety of circumstances such as health, conferences, and home technological issues, I was led to reach out to other peers in the course to create a reflection criteria. When Matt, Lance and I came together we decided to use one of our digital tools that was at our fingertips to assist us in creating a rubric. We used Chat GPT to come up with the initial rubric for providing feedforward to one another. With any Ai program we must double check with our human-eyes the validity and reliability of its creations to ensure it fits our idea of what we had in mind before seeking assistance through it. This is just what we did, after using Chat GPT to generate and provide feedforward for each other's papers, we referred back to through their rough draft and left individual comments. 

The Criteria Within Our Rubric

Our rubric was based on five main categories worth ten points each with an overall fifty points. The first category was based on if our colleagues' draft was focused on more than the technology itself, but on how the technology can enhance learning. The second category we looked at was if the writing was focused and backed up by research from reliable sources. We further looked at if the colleague used experiences and outlooks on how education can be benefited based on the topic that was discussed inside the draft. The fourth criteria we looked at is if our colleagues use the application of cognitive processes to strengthen and move their topic. The last thing we looked at was if the overall rough draft met the overall submission requirements for the publication website that they chose.

The Feedforward and Overall Average Score for my Publication Article

Based on the generated rubric that was generated and revised by Matt, Lance, and I and the feedforward that was given in addition to Katie and Deena my average score was 42/ out of 50. The enhance this score for my final publication, I can add reliable research from a variety of sources such as articles, journals, and videos that help strengthen my topic through cognitive processes. I can also dive deeper into the different types of resources and how they are used to increase learning among the diverse learners. I will focus mainly on criteria two and four to enhance my publication article for final submission.

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