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  • Writer's pictureRebekah Ard

Exploring Digital Media and Putting it to Work With Collaboration

Updated: Mar 2

The courses I took this 8-week term included Digital Communication and Resources and Accessing Digital Learning and Instruction. In the first course I was able to outline, draft, and finalize a publication article, while learning about different digital resources that I could use to communicate the main idea of my current and future articles. In the second course I was able to explore and understand the topic of action research. I was then able to complete the planning stage of my action research by picking the topic of gamification, gathering information on gamification, reviewing the literature associated with gamification, coming up with research questions, and a research plan. 

Self-Reflection: Digital Communication and Resources

This course allowed me to explore different types of media that can assist me and others in creating lessons, demonstrating personal knowledge, and creating authentic projects that can incorporate a variety of media related activities and supports embedded. Throughout this 8-week course I was able to collaborate with my collaboration group and other class peers on the variety of assignments that were completed. We were able to collaborate through email, Google Docs, Discussion Post, and Group Me by giving feedback by commenting on others documents and emailing one another. In one assignment, we were able to collaborate with each other to come up with a reflection criteria to provide feedforward to each other. I, specifically, was able to provide this type of comments and feedback to my peers throughout the course. I was also able to create a folder that allowed my group members to share their rough drafts in, and a folder for each of them within this big folder for individual feedback in a single designated place they could find just their feedback from their peers. I have been able to complete all my assignments, discussions, readings, and videos by the deadline that they were due. With all the things that I have done better this course period than in my past, I would like to have seen myself complete more blog posts on my ePortfolio about the journey and topics that I was able to explore in the course this 8 week term. 

Self-Reflection: Accessing Digital Learning and Instruction

This course allowed me to gain knowledge on a type of research called action research. I was able to complete the first of four stages of the action research process resulting in writing a plan on implementing action research with gamification among students with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Throughout this 8-week course I was able to collaborate with my collaboration group and other class peers on the variety of assignments that were completed that lead to the final requirement of stage one, an action research plan. I was able to provide feedback and feedback to my peers on their outline and literature review which led to their final assignment, the action research plan. I was able to complete assignments, readings, discussion posts, and videos by the extended deadline provided by the professor due to my personal health issues that occurred over this 8-week term. Similar to the other course that I was taking this 8 week term, I would have liked to have seen myself complete more blog posts within my ePortfolio about the journey and topics that I was able to explore within this course. 

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